DACTM welcomes new teacher and pre-service members at all times. Benefits of DACTM membership include:
•Collaboration opportunities with other members
•Member discounts on DACTM events
•Member Only Benefits - Student scholarships and teacher mini-grant opportunities
•Member Spotlight Celebrations
Click here for Board Member answers for Why DACTM?
NCTM has an NCTM rebate program for new and renewing NCTM members. At the time of membership renewal (online only), members can indicate DACTM as an affiliate and DACTM will receive a rebate of either $3 or $5 (depending on previous membership status).
Please remember to designate DACTM as your affiliate when you renew your NCTM membership! NCTM Affiliate Rebate Document (PDF)
Click here to join the national community!
Michigan Joint Education Group
Six organizations have come together to provide a unique opportunity to keep informed
on education topics related to Michigan.
Organizations Included:
•Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM)
•Detroit Area Council of Teachers of Mathematics (DACTM)
•Michigan Reading Association (MRA)
•Michigan Science Teachers Association (MSTA)
•Metropolitan Detroit Science Teachers Association (MDSTA)
•Michigan Council of Social Studies (MCSS)
Individual Joint Membership – $99.00
This membership is held by an individual. A 1 year individual membership includes:
Institutional Joint Membership – $265.00
This membership is held by the school building / institution and not by individuals or School District. When information is sent to the designated contact person, they relay it to the appropriate teacher. For example, when the conference information for mathematics is received it is forwarded to three teachers of interest, the science information received and forwarded to the same three teachers OR other teachers with science interest, and the social studies information received and forwarded to the same teachers OR other teachers with social study interest. This gives the opportunity for the information to be shared between eighteen different teachers.
The membership also provides:
To become a joint member, please click here